[Stammtisch] Let's talk about Open Source Hardware

Ivo Santos ivo.santos at swie.io
Fr Dez 4 11:31:50 CET 2015


I hope my email finds you well.

I know you are probably very busy but your Open Phoenux project grabbed my attention and I would like to skype with you.
Allow me to briefly introduce myself: my name is Ivo and I am working with Swie.io to reinvent the way electronics are manufactured in order to accommodate the development of the open source hardware industry.
By talking with you, I would like to understand the way makers like yourself perceive the industry.
As a thank you to all people that we interview, we will credit 25$ to their Swie account.
If you are interested to help us shape the future of technology, please fill up the form on the link bellow and let's have a chat later this month.

Please, fill with your email in the place of your name: http://doodle.com/poll/ek9w34m2dyq3xxdv

Best regards,

Ivo Santos   Business Developer Analyst

[cid:image001.png at 01D12E87.5D7004A0]

Email: ivo.santos at swie.io<mailto:ivo.santos at swie.io>
Skype: ivoluissantos
Mobile: +41 76 799 05 99
Website: http://www.swie.io<http://www.swie.io/>
Address: Rue Pepinet 3 1003 Lausanne Switzerland
[https://newoldstamp.com/editor/images/f.jpg]<https://www.facebook.com/swieio> [https://newoldstamp.com/editor/images/tw.jpg] <https://twitter.com/swieio>  [https://newoldstamp.com/editor/images/in.jpg] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/swie>

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