[Gta04-owner] First trial with QtMoko2

Sven Dyroff S.Dyroff at phytec.de
Wed Mar 28 13:03:33 CEST 2018


meanwhile I got the phone from Thierry. So now I can keep my "old" GTA04A4 
with the well working QtMoko v55 and use the "new" GTA04A5 for being able 
to play around as much as I want without risking to brick anything that I 
need or that I'm at least used to have functional. Many thanks to Thierry!

But I'm just still a little bit alienated that apparently noone other 
voted for getting that excellent phone. Especially are there really no 
more developers around who're still interested in it?

Nevertheless, with this phone I was able to boot the SD card that I 
previously created due to the advices of Nikolaus and Andreas without any 
problems. QtMoko2 came up, asked me for touch calibrating and PIN, then 
was ready to be played with.

After having satified some of my first curiosity by calling the 
application "system information" and getting informed that it's QtMoko v59 
built at Feb, 23th, 2018 with kernel built by "hns" - thus Nikolaus - that 
I have under my fingers, I straightforwardedly choosed the game 
application QtMaze. But there instead of being able to jockey a ball into 
a hole by nicely tilting the phone, QtMoko hang up completely at once and 
reliably reproducible . Only removing the battery will be able to wake it 
up again.

So now the dump question is: Who will clone some developers who fix such 
insignificant but aggravating regressions? Might it really be that even 
such irrelevant trivia (in regard to their importance, of course not in 
regard to the time and effort for a developer) will all stick at Nikolaus?

Best regards
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