[Gta04-owner] Experimental QtMoko/GTA04 build for armhf

Neil Jerram neil at ossau.homelinux.net
Tue Oct 30 21:10:04 CET 2012

Gilles Filippini <gilles.filippini at free.fr> writes:

> Actually its seems that the embdebian toolchain *is* being upgraded:
> the new packages for archs all and i386 are there, but not those for
> amd64.
> Creating a pdebuild-cross chroot does work on an i386 box. I guess we
> have to wait a few more days for the upgrade to complete. I'll ping
> the debian-embedded list.

Are you sure the problem isn't wider than that?  I believe my box is

  neil at neil-laptop:~$ uname -a
  Linux neil-laptop 3.2.0-3-686-pae #1 SMP Mon Jul 23 03:50:34 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux

and I'm still seeing the same pdebuild-cross failure as I said a few
days ago.  I've attached my complete transcript - even though it's a bit
big - in case it contains any clues about me doing something wrong.


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