[Gta04-owner] QtMoko v49

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Thu Nov 22 09:13:32 CET 2012

On Thursday, November 22, 2012 01:44:59 AM EdorFaus wrote:

> The reason this is not possible, is because one of p1..p4 is used up by
> the extended partition that contains the remaining partitions (as the
> primary table only has room for 4, and we have to know where to find the
> rest).

Yup i have noticed it now too. So for next QtMoko release the recommended 
partition scheme is:

p1 - small fat - used for gta04-init and for upgrading the NAND bootloader
p2 - ext4 with rootfs for QtMoko
p3 - ext3 with rootfs for SHR
p4 - extended partition
p5 - FAT with media
p6..p9 - optinal - can be used for more distros, that use gta04-init

So this enables us to boot 2 distros on SD from the bootloader menu and 
inifinitely more using gta04-init.

This looks like only sane schema to me. We cant skip the first FAT because you 
would have no way to flash new bootloader then. And also gta04-init is using 
it for the advanced booting to extended partitions and to chroots.

We also cant skip the p4 since we need separate partition for media.



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