[Community] gta04/gta02 stuff available

Andrew Schenck andrew at springahead.com
Thu Nov 19 23:52:47 CET 2015

On 11/18/2015 2:51 PM, Benjamin Deering wrote:
> Things have been very quiet on this list until today.
> The buzz about neo900 gave me a chance to think about all I learned
> from working on GTA02 and GTA04.  My GTA04 has been collecting dust for
> quite a while now and I would like to make it available if someone in
> the USA would like to offer cash, or a plan to contribute to the
> community (or some combination), I would ship it to them.
> I also have several new-in-bag GTA02 batteries available for shipment
> in the USA and a GTA02 debug board.  I had been hoping to recover the
> shipping costs of my 2 batteries by selling the other batteries, but I
> am prepared to sell at a small loss if needed.
I had been considering buying some of those from you since shipping from 
EU is so expensive and my batteries are wearing out.  I had four at one 
point, but lost one and another one stopped accepting a charge some six 
months ago.  The last two seem to be wearing out too.  I got a Nokia 
BL-6C described in the wiki 
and it "works" but it boots much slower and I haven't figured out the 
modprobe switching to get it to report capacity yet.
> My GTA04 has a little hardware damage - the usb port was broken off
> shortly after I got it (my fault).  With some remote help from Nicolas
> I was able to fix it.  My repair has lasted through years of rough
> service so I don't think it will be a problem. The red power led was
> damaged during this accident and was stuck on.  I have removed it.
I believe this exact same thing happened to the GTA04 I purchased from 
Orest Tarasiuk on this list, the port was working for maybe a month 
after I received it, but broke off along with the gps antenna port and 
now I have to carry a spare battery around all the time and charge with 
my GTA02.  This makes it pretty difficult but I still manage to use it 
as my daily driver.
> This GTA04 went back to goldelico for reflow since it was one of the
> early GTA04A4s that was made before they changed the solder process.
> After the reflow, gps and wifi have been reliable.
> The GTA04 has a camera and my software install includes an SHR desktop
> shortcut that brings up a camera view, then saves a photo after the
> user touches the screen.  That is, it behaves almost like a modern
> phone, just slower.  This all hinges on an ugly kernel change that I
> shared a few years ago (hard coding colorspace if I remember correctly).
This is very interesting to me, I don't need a really great camera but 
it would be nice to have something.  My OS of choice is QtMoko though, 
really didn't like SHR when I tried it on the GTA02, but I might be 
willing to switch if it enables the camera.  Are you able to send / 
receive MMS messages as well?  I believe QtMoko should be capable but I 
haven't gotten it to work yet.
> I think I have shared all the hacks on the phone with the list at some
> point.  It has my altimeter and ski-wax apps installed as well as a
> shooter gyroscope game.  The phone would ship with my image (SHR).
> If you are interested, please PM me, or feel free to start a discussion
> on the list about what would be a good use for it.
> I would also consider parting with my GTA02 + MLX90614 thermometer +
> BMP085 if someone has a really cool project.
> So, Americans, what can you do with these items?
I would really like a more reliable device that respects my freedom to 
use as a daily driver.  I've been following Neo900 for this purpose but 
I haven't committed yet because 1140EUR => $1222 USD is a lot of cash 
(though that's actually a much lower number than other times I've 
checked).  Actually I've just put in my order, so if I can figure out 
how to do the bank wire I'll be on the hook for a Neo900 instead.

> Ben
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