[OHSW.org] Agenda

Christoph Mair christoph.mair at gmail.com
Mo Nov 25 17:45:37 CET 2013

Am 25.11.2013 17:34 schrieb "Andreas Kemnade" <andreas at kemnade.info>:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:52:41 +0100
> "Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller" <hns at goldelico.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > great - we have an updated agenda draft:
> >
> > http://ohsw.de/agenda_2013.html
> >
> > Some observations:
> >
> > * I would suggest that I don't have 3 talks in sequence. Maybe Neal
could fill the slot between 10:45 and 12:00 and my other talks start after
> > * we need a restaurant proposal for Friday evening
> I will arrive on saturday morning. So you do not need to plan me for
> > * we need topics and even more topics to fill the Sunday!
> >
> > So please think about what you can contribute. It does not need deep or
high-quality preparation, but should give useful learnings, insights to the
> >
> I can talk about
> - USB-OTG and the GTA04 (probably applies to most musb platforms)
>   from a hacker's point of view (this will include backgrounds about my
otg patches
> - GTA0x on a bike (my setup)

Great! See you on saturday!

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