[Letux-kernel] [OpenOCD-devel] [PATCH]: d86217d board: add Skytone Alpha 400

H. Nikolaus Schaller hns at goldelico.com
Wed Nov 18 19:04:01 CET 2020

> Am 18.11.2020 um 18:16 schrieb Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak at v3.sk>:
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 10:40:12AM +0100, H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>>> Am 17.11.2020 um 23:12 schrieb Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak at v3.sk>:
>>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 04:26:43PM +0200, H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
>>>> Hi Lubomir,
>>>> We try to do our best...
>>>>> I've had to fix up
>>>>> quite some issues to get the thing to build so I suspect they probably
>>>>> don't run it?
>>>> Well, it is unfortunately on really low priority for me. I just would have
>>>> to open my Letux 400 and solder a connector for the serial console and close the
>>>> device again :) So that I can see what is happening during hand-over from 
>>>> U-Boot to the kernel or if the kernel isn't booting to at least some login: prompt.
>>> Yes. My machine (that's an Elonex Onet+ I think) actually had a connector
>>> (a 4-pin molex picoblade or something similar), accessible from the battery
>>> compartment soldered from factory, though not the JTAG one.
>> I have searched and finally found my Letux 400 devices... Two are early samples
>> and they have a 4 pin connector. Yes, Molex picoblade fits. And interestingly
>> I must have built a Max232 adapter years ago and did forget.
>> Unfortunately the machines with connector don't boot. And the one which boots
>> has no connector.
>>> In any case, I've got a setup with both UART and the JTAG hooked on at
>>> this point.
>> How did you set up JTAG?
> I though it would be a good idea to add this to the
> projects.goldelico.com wiki, but after I drafted an article locally, I
> ended up unable to confirm my registration.

Yes, I had to block it a while ago because there were too many spam robots.

> Let me share it here.
> Perhaps you help me with my registration or add it to the wiki.

I have manually enabled your account. Maybe you have to update the password first.

> Apologies for a long message, hopefully it's useful:
> ---8<---
> === Introduction ===
> This short write-up will describe how do I connect to a Skytone Alpha 400
> board (like the one in Letux 400) via JTAG and recover from botched flash.
> I do use a OpenOCD's GPIO driver to bit-bang JTAG with a Raspberry Pi.

Oh, cool!

> Please note that it is probably not the smartest way to do this and
> certainly not the only one but works well enough using hardware you may
> already have handy.
> === Wiring the hardware ===
> The JTAG is either accessible from the fine pitch 24-pin flat cable
> connector J500 on the bottom of the board (the cable can be connected via
> the battery compartment) or from a set of test pads no the top of the
> board.
> The test pads are quite large and easy to solder to. I've chosen to do that
> because I don't have a correct cable or a breakout.
> See the details in schematics:
> https://projects.goldelico.com/p/letux400/downloads/39/
> https://projects.goldelico.com/p/letux400/downloads/38/
> I've wired the JTAG pins to a rather arbitrarily chosen GPIO pins on a
> Raspberry Pi like this:
>                                              __________
>                                                    _   |
>                             ^ edge of the RPi ^   (_)  |
>                                                        |
>                                      3v3 Power  1 o o 2  5v Power
>                              (I2C1 SDA) GPIO 2  3 o o 4  5v Power
>                              (I2C1 SCL) GPIO 3  5 o o 6  Ground
>                                (GPCLK0) GPIO 4  7 o o 8  GPIO 14 (UART TX)
>                                         Ground  9 o o 10 GPIO 15 (UART RX)
>                                        GPIO 17 11 o o 12 GPIO 18 (PCM CLK)
>                                        GPIO 27 13 o o 14 Ground
>                                        GPIO 22 15 o o 16 GPIO 23
>                                      3v3 Power 17 o o 18 GPIO 24
> J500/9 or TP516 <--[TCK]-- (SPI0 MOSI) GPIO 10 19 o o 20 Ground -----------> Well, some ground somewhere
> J500/7 or TP514 <--[TMS]-- (SPI0 MISO) GPIO  9 21 o o 22 GPIO 25 -------------[TDO]---> TP517 or J500/10
> J500/8 or TP515 <--[TDI]-- (SPI0 SCLK) GPIO 11 23 o o 24 GPIO  8 (SPI0 CE0) --[TRST]--> TP513 or J500/6
>                                         Ground 25 o o 26 GPIO  7 (SPI0 CE1)
>                           (EEPROM SDA) GPIO  0 27 o o 28 GPIO  1 (EEPROM SCL)
>                                        GPIO  5 29 o o 30 Ground
>                                        GPIO  6 31 o o 32 GPIO 12 (PWM0)
>                                 (PWM1) GPIO 13 33 o o 34 Ground
>                               (PCM FS) GPIO 19 35 o o 36 GPIO 16
>                                        GPIO 26 37 o o 38 GPIO 20 (PCM DIN)
>                                         Ground 39 o o 40 GPIO 21 (PCM DOUT)
>                                                    _   |
>                          v  ethernet/usb ports v  (_)  |
>                                                        |
>                                                        |
> Pin names courtesy of https://pinout.xyz/.
> Make sure to also connect the ground. None of the test pads is ground, so I
> chose to connect the pin from the UART port.
> === Build OpenOCD ===
> Get the OpenOCD fork with JZ4730 support. Effort is underway to merge this
> into mainline, but we're not there yet.
>  $ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/lkundrak/openocd-jz4730.git
>  $ cd openocd-jz4730
>  $ git checkout lr/jz4730
>  $
> Configure and build OpenOCD. Unfortuntately, I lost track of which
> dependencies and configure options are needed. If someone finds out, please
> add it here.  I suppose you need to enable linux-gpiod support at the very
> least:
>  $ ./configure --enable-linuxgpiod
>  $ make
>  $ sudo make install
>  $

> Once it's installed you also need a configuration file. Here's what I use
> for the wiring above:
>  $ cat >openocd.cfg <<EOF
>  adapter driver linuxgpiod
>  transport select jtag
>  linuxgpiod_gpiochip 0
>  linuxgpiod_tck_num 10
>  linuxgpiod_tms_num 9
>  linuxgpiod_tdo_num 25
>  linuxgpiod_tdi_num 11
>  linuxgpiod_trst_num 8
>  source [find board/skytone_alpha400.cfg]
>  EOF
> If you wish to telnet to the Raspberry Pi remotely, like I do, add a
> "bindto" line.
> At this point it is a good idea that your setup works. Power on the board,
> start OpenOCD and leave it running. You can either start it as root, or add
> yourself to the gpio group.
>  $ openocd -f openocd.cfg
>  Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-01412-gbb09a0eb2-dirty (2020-09-26-12:54)
>  Licensed under GNU GPL v2
>  For bug reports, read
>          http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html
>  Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
>  Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
>  Info : Linux GPIOD JTAG/SWD bitbang driver
>  Info : This adapter doesn't support configurable speed
>  Info : JTAG tap: jz4730.cpu tap/device found: 0x0000024f (mfg: 0x127 (MIPS Technologies), part: 0x0000, ver: 0x0)
>  Info : starting gdb server for jz4730.cpu on 3333
>  Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
>  Info : accepting 'telnet' connection on tcp/4444
> Connect to OpenOCD from another terminal and check that things work:
>  $ telnet localhost 4444
>  Trying ::1...
>  Trying
>  Connected to localhost.
>  Escape character is '^]'.
>  Open On-Chip Debugger
>> reset
>  JTAG tap: jz4730.cpu tap/device found: 0x0000024f (mfg: 0x127 (MIPS Technologies), part: 0x0000, ver: 0x0)
>> halt
>  Failed to enter Debug Mode!
>  MIPS32 only implemented
>  target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0x800191dc
>> nand probe 0
>  NAND flash device 'NAND 1GiB 3.3V 8-bit (Samsung)' found
> If they don't then tough luck I guess.
> === Build U-Boot ===
>  $ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/lkundrak/u-boot.git u-boot-jz4740
>  $ git checkout lr/alpha400
>  $ make alpha400_nand_defconfig
>  $ make CROSS_COMPILE=mips64-linux-gnu-
>    CAT     u-boot-with-spl.bin
>    CFGCHK  u-boot.cfg
>  $
> === Recovering the NAND boot loader ===
> One thing that you need to realize first: things are super-slow especially
> if you're dicking around with Raspberry Pi GPIO bit-banging.

Well this is less scary than accidentially overwriting NAND by pressing the
wrong key combination during boot :)

> They may be
> faster if you use a reasonable JTAG dongle instead, like a grown-up man.
> Please let me know if you try being one.
> This means that you won't be recovering the whole NAND via JTAG, merely the
> boot loader so that you can boot from the SD card.
> A typical image with U-Boot and SPL (and quite some useless padding which
> is convenient to ignore) will weight a little over 600K and will take a
> little under 2 and a half our to copy.
> Erase the first meg where the boot loader would go:
>> nand erase 0 0 0x100000
>  erased blocks 0 to 7 on NAND flash device #0 'NAND 1GiB 3.3V 8-bit'
> The erase block size is 128K (0x20000), so you need to erase in the
> multiplies of 128K. The first erase block is the 4K of NAND SPL followed by
> padding (the other 124K). Then goes the U-Boot proper.
> The u-boot-with-spl.bin image contains just that: SPL, padding and U-Boot:
>> nand write 0 u-boot-with-spl.bin 0
>  wrote file u-boot-with-spl.bin to NAND flash 0 up to offset 0x00099200 in 141.710613s (0.072 KiB/s)
> === Recovering the rest ===
> TODO: Write this up.
> Generally you'll want to spin put the Letux 400 Debian image and use
> mtd-utils to erase and write the kernel and main partition.
> === Some random notes ===
> It is possible to render JTAG inaccessible with software; e.g. by powering
> down the processor, changing the JTAG pin function or perhaps crashing the
> processor in some peculiar way. If you ruin your boot block in a way that
> ends up disabling JTAG you can still recover with a bit of efrort.
> When the machine powers up, it executes the internal boot ROM that fetches
> the first 4K of NAND into the L1 caches. This is hardwired in the processor
> and you can't ruin it. The NAND read takes some short time and you can
> attach JTAG during this time.

Good to know!

> Just power-on the machine and run "reset; halt" about a second or so
> afterwards. If you're lucky the CPU will manage to halt running
> instructions in the 0xbfc00000 range (where the ROM is mapped). This
> requires some luck, but if you try hard enough you'll eventually succeed.
> Or not.
> ---8<---
>> Many years ago I developed an adapter to connect
>> through a ribbon cable (after disassembling the '400) and use an OpenMoko
>> Debug Board. But at that time there was no OpenOCD software for such a
>> setup so I had to stop experiments.
>>> I intend to get the thing booting as time permits. In the
>>> other message I shot your way today [1] I shared what the situation
>>> looks like at this point.
>>> [1] https://lists.goldelico.com/pipermail/letux-kernel/2020-November/005856.html
>> Yes, great! I have pulled you patches to the letux repo (and renamed them a little):
>> https://git.goldelico.com/?p=letux-kernel.git;a=heads
>> What I have not yet done is rearranging and squashing anything.
>> Anyways the key question for me is what to do next to help testing...
>> BR and thanks,
>> Nikolaus

So you are making me curious and tempting to play with the L400 (and JTAG).

BR and thanks,

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