[Gta04-owner] Replicant modem suspend behavior

Lukas Maerdian luk at slyon.de
Fri Dec 12 16:17:54 CET 2014

Hello everybody,

since quite some time I'm trying to debug the Replicant modem suspend
behavior, but I cannot find any solution...

My problem is that the modem transitions into a strange state after a
suspend/resume cycle, where it just returns the CME error 0 (phone
failure) to every single AT command I send. If I kill/restart the Radio
Interface Layer ("killall rild"), the modem seems to be working fine
again, so I guess a "AT+CFUN=0; AT+CFUN=1" correctly resets the modem.

I looked into the FSO/SHR and QtMoko sources, but could not find any
special suspend handling for the modem, so I assume they didn't have any
such problem. Did anybody of you already observe this behavior of the
modem? What does "phone failure" mean? How does the modem get to this
state? And how can I recover from that state, without a full reset?

Any hint would be appreciated!


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